Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Shameless Plug - I'm so proud of Ocarina Networks

My client Ocarina Networks has been named a finalist for Storage Magazine's 2008 Storage Products of the Year list. The company came out of stealth just two years ago, and its meteoric rise has been stunning to watch. Backed by Kleiner Perkins, Highland Capital, and other top tier investors, Ocarina is filling a niche in way that could not be more timely--it shrinks down the size of the types of files that are proliferating across the web, such as photos, video, Windows files, and so on. Its customers are major photo sharing sites, social networks, bioscience firms, and many others that need to reduce their overall storage footprint, which in many cases is growing by the terabyte week after week, month after month. I've written about them before on this blog, because I think they're a great example of a green business, reducing tenfold the immense power and cooling usage that is associated with our web-based lifestyles.Congrats, guys! I'm so proud to be working with you.

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